Kayleigh Rogalski, PsyD
Assistant Professor, OHSU Comprehensive Pain Center
Welcome! I’m a clinical psychologist (lic. #3715) based in Portland, Oregon specializing in health psychology and the mind-body.
I have extensive training in the psychology of medical conditions and a rich background in treating people with chronic pain and chronic illnesses, especially postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) and hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (hEDS). Through my work I came to understand how trauma impacts the nervous system to contribute to chronic conditions, and how ongoing traumatic encounters interfere with healing. Many of my patients have histories of abusive and invalidating childhoods and experiences of medical trauma and gaslighting. As a result, trauma treatment has become an integral part of my everyday therapy practice.
My friends, colleagues, and clients describe me as warm, friendly, and safe (isn’t that nice?). In my free time, I like playing games and doing puzzles, going for beautiful hikes, watching Real Housewives (sorry!), and playing with my cat, Bren.
Experience & Education
Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology & Perioperative Medicine, OHSU, 2023-present
Postdoctoral Fellowship, Osher Center for Integrative Health, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, 2023
Doctor of Clinical Psychology (PsyD), Pacific University, 2022
Predoctoral Internship, Cincinnati VAMC, 2022
Master of Arts (MA) in applied psychological sciences, Pacific University, 2018
Bachelor of Arts (BA) in biology, Case Western Reserve University, 2009
Walsh, E., Rogalski, K., & Hibbler, L. (2023). Weight bias and healthism: An integrative health perspective. Journal of Integrative and Complementary Medicine, 29(5):271-275.
Walsh, E., Bonnet, K., Schlundt, D., Kelly, E., Rogalski, K., Broadbent, C., Gamboa, A., & Birdee, G. (2025). A qualitative exploration of illness-related experiences, emotions, and coping among adults with postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS). Journal of Health Psychology.